Our Team
even is a diverse, interdisciplinary team of biomedical informaticists, data scientists, public health researchers, clinical researchers, healthcare providers, and patients. We are women and men who share a deep commitment to bringing about long-awaited change in women’s health.
Our team includes members from Columbia Biomedical Informatics, Columbia University, our Patient Advisory Board, and Partners & Friends.
Columbia Biomedical Informatics

Noémie Elhadad PhD
Associate Professor, Biomedical Informatics
Noemie’s research is at the intersection of medicine, technology, and data science. She leads the Citizen Endo project and the Phendo app, which aims to give endometriosis patients a voice and promote new ways of approaching endometriosis research.

Emma Horan, BS
Research Coordinator
Coordinates research between informatics and patients, with a focus on reproductive health. Her research interests include using data informatics to further the understanding of autoimmune and chronic conditions, both biologically and in patient’s experiences.

Sharon Lipsky Gorman, MA, Msc.
Programmer Analyst
Develops dynamic visualizations and apply machine learning methods to discover novel insights from biomedical datasets. Her research interests include data visualizations and machine learning.

Adrienne Pichon
PhD Student, Biomedical Informatics
Researches informatics tools and solutions, including personal informatics apps and visualizations, leveraging patient-generated data and user-centered design to empower patients in shared-decision making and self-management of chronic conditions.

Harry Reyes Nieva MAS, MA
PhD Student, Biomedical Informatics
Harry’s research leverages machine learning and natural language processing to advance health equity and support precision medicine. His work primarily aims to use and expand the vast toolbox that computational learning offers to better understand, improve, and facilitate the study of health in underserved communities.

Tony Sun
PhD Student, Biomedical Informatics
Tony’s research involves systematically characterizing sex and gender-related health disparities using large-scale observational data. He is interested in investigating how computational methods can ameliorate, exacerbate, or mitigate these existing health disparities.

Inigo Urteaga PhD
Associate Research Scientist in the Department of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics
Works on descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive modeling of diverse phenomena. Specialized in statistical data processing, Bayesian Theory, approximate inference methods, and reinforcement learning. Research focuses not only on the development of probabilistic models, but also on their application to a wide range of disciplines.

Chris Wiggins PhD
Associate Professor of Applied Mathematics and the Chief Data Scientist at The New York Times
At Columbia he is a founding member of the executive committee of the Data Science Institute, and of the Department of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics as well as the Department of Systems Biology and is affiliated faculty in Statistics. He is a co-founder and co-organizer of hackNY, a nonprofit which since 2010 has organized once a semester student hackathon and the hackNY Fellows Program, a structured summer internship at NYC startups. Prior to joining the faculty at Columbia, he was a Courant Instructor at NYU (1998-2001) and earned his PhD at Princeton University (1993-1998) in theoretical physics. He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society and is a recipient of Columbia’s Avanessians Diversity Award. His forthcoming book “Data Science in Context: Foundations, Challenges, Opportunities”, with Alfred Spector, Peter Norvig, and Jeannette M. Wing, will be published by Cambridge University Press in 2022 and is available in draft form online via https://datascienceincontext.com/ . His forthcoming book “How Data Happened: A History from the Age of Reason to the Age of Algorithms”, with Matthew L. Jones, will be published by Norton Press in 2023.
Columbia University

Arnold Advincula MD
Obstetrician-Gynecologist at New York Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia University Medical Center
Serves as the Division Chief of Gynecologic Speciality Surgery and Vice Chair of Women’s Health. Dr. Advincula is a leader in minimally invasive surgical techniques and an internationally recognized gynecologic robotic surgeon who has also developed surgical instruments in use worldwide. He has extensive experience in treating complex and challenging cases of uterine fibroids, endometriosis and pelvic masses.

Lauren Houghton PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Epidemiology, Mailman School of Public Health
An anthropologist that uses mixed-methods to understand how culture gets beneath the skin through hormones, specifically in relation to women’s reproductive lives from puberty to menopause. Dr. Houghton is currently exploring how digital menstrual health can be used in studying the causes of breast cancer as well as the dissemination and implementation of the latest cancer science.

Tal Korem PhD
Assistant Professor in Systems Biology and Reproductive Sciences in Obstetrics and Gynecology
Strives to obtain mechanistic understanding of host-microbiome interactions in clinically relevant settings using machine learning, network inference, and metabolic modeling. Develops algorithms and computational methods that aim to understand microbial growth, activity, and metabolic production, as well as apply these methodologies as the basis for clinical inquiries in diverse settings, with a special focus on reproductive sciences.

Nancy Reame PhD, RN, FAAN
Mary Dickey Lindsay Professor Emerita of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion in the Faculty of Nursing at Columbia School of Nursing
Dr. Reame is a nurse, menstrual cycle researcher and women’s health advocate. Over a 40 year career, her research focusing on neuroendocrine mechanisms has ranged from health problems such as premenstrual syndrome and menopausal hot flashes to addressing the needs of diverse groups such as women veterans with diabetes, patients with HIV, and those with unexplained infertility and polycystic ovary syndrome. She is interested in understanding how reproductive aging differs in women with long-standing chronic health conditions such endometriosis.
Patient Advisory Board

Shannon Cohn
Director and Producer of the film Endo What?
Shannon lives with severe endometriosis, and in her case, that means over 20 years of debilitating pain, miscarriages, multiple surgeries, and misdiagnoses. Directed and produced the film Endo What?, a film to educate and put power where it belongs- in the hands of girls and women.

Abby Norman
Author of “Ask Me About My Uterus”
Abby is a science writer based in New England and memoir, “Ask Me About My Uterus” advocates for recognition of women’s health issues. As a patient & advocate, she has been a board member, keynote speaker, and presenter at several conferences including the Endometriosis Foundation of America annual medical conference and Patient Day.
Partners & Friends
Columbia University Medical Center
Department of Biomedical Informatics
622 W. 168th Street, PH20
New York, NY 10032